Introducing Perspect - Where you can get valid reviews for your photos.
*Your goal is to be a better at taking photos, with meaningful reviews on your takes?*
You can upload your photo and ask a reviewer of your choice to take a look and give meaningful feedback on your photos.
*Tired of likes and useless comments on your best photos?*
Weve built an app where you can ask professional photographers about their opinions on your photos. No more "Woow", "Awesome!", but real critique that can make you a better photographer.
*Get categorized feedback*
If you are a reviewer, then you have the ability to give generic or more specific feedback on things like (aperture, lens, composition) and draw on the original photo to explain your thoughts.
*Build your portfolio*
We generate a portfolio website for all our users that you will be able to share with anyone.
*Get into the public review feed*
If you wish so, you can put the review you got and publicize it so it will be on the home screen for everyone!
*Earn money*
You can also earn money if you apply for being a reviewer.